Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hannah's Surprise Bridal Shower

My cousin, Hannah, had a surprise shower today that was so much fun! Her mom, dad and sisters planned the shower and it was really nice to get the whole family together. It was SO hard to keep it a secret from her when she was here for dinner last night. We all arrived at her house in Gettysburg at about 12:00 and hid in the corner. She got there shortly after and was in tears immediately. She had no idea!

I took this picture too early, it got filled with way more food later :)

Orangina and bubbly fruit drinks! My fave

The cake - so delish with strawberries in between the layers


Opening my "Travelling Bride" gift - which I'll give more info on later

The sisters

Hannie and me

Her dad came by at the end

1 comment:

  1. I really liked these beach wedding theme ideas and favors. I am planning to get married at one of top NYC wedding venues. It is one of popular venues in city and my sister also got married there. Quite excited for my big day.
